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Organizational  Action Research

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Supporting Global Learning Circles 
Action Research Portfolio | 2014 - 2015 |  Barry Kramer

Organization - iEARN Learning with the World (

The iEARN Global Learning Circles project has provided educators and students with the opportunity to engage in an online collaborative project for over thirty years.  Many teachers successfully participate and complete this project every year, but a number of teachers drop out or quit early on in the process.  In this Action Research project, Barry develops a screening process to help determine which teachers are most likely to struggle with the process before they begin. This research helped Barry develop a new iEARN program- Hello World


New Strategies for Joining Learning Circles - Hello World

Action Research Portfolio | 2014 - 2015 Barry Kramer

Organization - iEARN Learning with the World (


On September 30, 2019, Barry launched a new Learning Circle project called Hello World.  His reason for developing this project was to create a vehicle to bring new educators and students into iEARN and Learning Circles by providing them with a structured online collaborative experience. This Action Research project details his actions, questions, outcomes, and reflections on the process of creating the project and the success of the experience



Building Thriving Communities of Practice with Social Learning Technologies

Action Research Portfolio | 2009 | Dan Wood

Corporation - Learning and Development Team


Dan Wood conducted his action research with a learning and development team in the context of a large multinational software corporation. In his role as an instructional designer, he noted a lack of transparent, social, and collaborative methods to build and share knowledge. His goal was to increase knowledge-building and sharing processes using social learning technologies to mediate interaction and nurture a community of practice among people who design and deliver learning programs.  At first, he thought he could bring the solution to the team. He learned how important it is to include the people who owned the problem in the framing of the solution.  


Knowledge Management: The Energy Source of the Organization

Action Research Portfolio | 2009 | Michael P. Truong

Corporation - Knowledge Building Community 


Michael Truong wanted to increase the knowledge flow among his colleagues in a global corporation by employing social media and helping others to participate in knowledge-building and sharing. The problem that he wanted to address at his workplace was how one finds information easily and effectively. He explored strategies with his co-workers to find ways to make their shared resources centralized and accessible.  

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" If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change"

-Mahatma Gandhi




Center for Collaborative Action Research

2004- 2021


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