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Classroom Action Research


Strengthening Critical-Thinking Skills Of Science Students In Sri Lanka

Action Research Portfolio | 2021 | Thanuja Perera


Thanuja Perera set her goal as developing critical thinking skills of 10th-grade science students in her classroom based on the curriculum framework assigned in Sri Lanka. Research objectives involved identifying the critical thinking skills needed by her 10th-grade students and the ​problems faced by her students in explaining scientific phenomena. She planned and implemented an intervention to strengthen and assess the critical-thinking skills of particular students​. She offers suggestions to teachers on ways to help students engage in critical thinking and for teachers to improve their professional development through action research. Published with the support from the Social Publishers Foundation

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Flipping the Classroom: The Road to Project Based Learning 
Action Research Portfolio | 2014 - 2015 Katherine Korte

High School Student - Government 

Katherine wanted to find the time to introduce project-based learning in her classroom.  She decided to try flipping the classroom as her first action research. She first tried the flipped classroom using student test performance as her evidence. The next year's cycle added project based learning - setting up a new government for the Mars Colony. 





Fostering Collaboration in 21st Century Classrooms

Action Research Portfolio | 2016 - 2017 | Katherine Korte

High School Student - Government


Katherine continued her road to learning shifting her focus from project based learning to exploring strategies for collaboration that underly project work.  She experimented with social and physical structures. 


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Seeing Below the Surface: How Technology Can Make Coaching a Shared Experience
Action Research Portfolio | 2013 Matt Jones

Elementary Students 

Matt Jones is a professional swimmer who is now sharing his passion for the water as a coach of young swimmers. He remembers how important peer coaching was for him and he sees how technology can aide in helping students reflect on their own and their peers swimming styles.


Learning with No Boundaries
Action Research Portfolio | Lusik Yeghiazaryan  2014

Secondary Students 

Lusik Yeghiazaryan sought to create an authentic learning experience for unique learners by allowing them the choice of tools, pacing, and content geared towards individual learning goals. Working with high school math students, she gave her students enough time, the right tools, and limitless opportunities to discover and learn things that ignited their curiosity and motivated them to learn.

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The Art of Possibility: Creating More Successful Learners

Action Research Portfolio | Anne Smith 2009

Anne Smith was concerned about disengaged students who were "passing" with D's. She took away the option of a passing low grade and gave students the opportunity to resubmit their work. This process shifted the relationship between students and their teachers and led to higher student grades. But more important than higher grades was the change in the way students understood the teacher-student relationship.  They went from thinking that teachers wanted them to fail to knowing that their teacher wanted them to succeed. 

Integrating Technology as an Effective Tool in Language Education

Action Research Portfolio | Xing King 2006 revised 2021


Xing King transformed her teaching practice from one based on behavioristic principles of rewards and punishments to one based on social constructivist theories. She gave students more ownership in high school Chinese language learning classes and in doing so learned how effective her students could be at learning and teaching and using Chinese. 

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" If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change"

-Mahatma Gandhi




Center for Collaborative Action Research

2004- 2021


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